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:: Volume 31, Issue 4 (10-2019) ::
J Iran Dent Assoc 2019, 31(4): 203-213 Back to browse issues page
Effect of Denture Cleansing Solutions on Retention of Two Types of Overdenture Attachments
Farinaz Khodadadkashi1 , Mohammad Alihemmati2 , Niknaz Yahyazadehfar1 , Ali Jamalighomi2 , Seyed Mohammad Reza Hakimaneh2 , Sayed Shojaedin Shayegh * 3
1- Postgraduate Student, Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran
2- Assistant Professor, Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran
3- Associate Professor, Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran , shayegh13417@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (1711 Views)
Background and Aim: There is lack of information regarding the effect of different denture cleansing solutions on the retention of attachments. This study aimed to as-sess the effect of denture cleansing solutions on the retention of Dalbo-Plus and Loca-tor attachment systems.
Materials and Methods: This study evaluated 160 attachments including 80 Locator and 80 Dalbo-Plus attachment systems. The attachments were mounted in acrylic resin blocks and were subjected to a universal testing machine to measure their baseline retention. Each attachment system was randomly divided into four groups for immersion in cleansing solutions namely water, 5% sodium hypochlorite diluted 1:10, Dentipur denture cleanser, and Corega denture cleanser for a period of time corresponding to 6 months of clinical service. The attachments’ retention was measured again after the immersion period. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey’s test.
Results: The retention of Dalbo-Plus attachments in water and Dentipur was significantly higher than that in other solutions (P<0.05). The Locator attachments had the highest retention in Dentipur followed by water, Corega, and sodium hypochlorite. The retention of Locator attachments was significantly higher than that of Dalbo-Plus in all solutions (P<0.05). Immersion of attachments in Dentipur in-creased their retention. Locator attachment showed higher retention than the Dalbo-Plus irrespective of the type of cleansing solution.
Conclusion: Dentipur can serve as a suitable denture cleanser since it increased the retention of attachments. Corega decreased the retention of attachments and should be used with care.
Keywords: Denture Cleansers, Denture, Overlay, Oral Hygiene
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Type of Study: Original | Subject: Prosthodontics
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Khodadadkashi F, Alihemmati M, Yahyazadehfar N, Jamalighomi A, Hakimaneh S M R, Shayegh S S. Effect of Denture Cleansing Solutions on Retention of Two Types of Overdenture Attachments. J Iran Dent Assoc 2019; 31 (4) :203-213
URL: http://jida.ir/article-1-2082-en.html

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Journal of Iranian Dental Association


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