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:: Volume 26, Issue 1 (1-2014) ::
J Iran Dent Assoc 2014, 26(1): 75-81 Back to browse issues page
In-Vitro Evaluation of the Effect of Sage on Shear Bond Strength of Composite Resin to Bleached Enamel
Zahra Khamverdi1 , Maryam Beheshti rouy2 , Mahin Safari * 3
1- Member of Dental Reseach center, Associate Professor, Department of Operative Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences. Hamadan, Iran
2- Assistant Professor, Department of Operative Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences. Hamadan, Iran
3- Assistant Professor, Department of Operative Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Ilam University of Medical Sciences. Ilam, Iran , Mahinsafari@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (8591 Views)

  Background and Aim : There is a reduction in bond strength of composite resin to bleached enamel. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of sage (Salvia officinalis) on the shear bond strength of composite resin to bleached enamel .

  Materials and Methods : In this in vitro study, 60 labial surfaces of maxillary incisors were randomly divided into 4 groups as follows: G1: bleaching G2: bleaching and application of sodium ascorbate-containing solution G3: bleaching and application of Salvia officinalis-containing solution G4: control (no bleaching). A composite resin ( Z100 3M ESPE, Dental products, St Paul, MN, USA) cylinder was bonded on each specimen after acid etching and application of a fifth generation bonding agent ( Single Bond 3M ESPE, Dental products, St Paul, MN, USA ). After thermocycling, the shear bond strengths of the samples were measured in MPa. Data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA and Tukey’s HSD test (α=0.05) .

  Results : Minimum and maximum mean values of shear bond strengths were observed in G1 (12.31±2.44) and G3 (25. 04 ± 3.52), respectively . No statistically significant differences were found in bond strength between the bleached and non-bleached groups after the antioxidant treatment (P>0.05 ).

  Conclusion: There is a considerable decrease in bond strength of composite resin to enamel immediately after bleaching. Application of sodium ascorbate and Salvia officinalis solution can increase the bond strength of composite resin to bleached enamel .


Keywords: Antioxidants, Composite resin, Sodium ascorbate, Salvia officinalis, Tooth bleaching, Bond strength
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Type of Study: Original | Subject: Restorative Dentistry
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Khamverdi Z, Beheshti rouy M, Safari M. In-Vitro Evaluation of the Effect of Sage on Shear Bond Strength of Composite Resin to Bleached Enamel . J Iran Dent Assoc 2014; 26 (1) :75-81
URL: http://jida.ir/article-1-1559-en.html

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Journal of Iranian Dental Association


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