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 | Post date: 2021/11/11 | 
The Journal of Iranian Dental Association (JIDA) is an open-access, peer-reviewed quarterly journal and the official scientific publication of the Iranian Dental Association.
Dedicated to the dissemination of new knowledge and information across all disciplines relevant to dentistry, the oral cavity, and associated structures in health and disease, JIDA has been published exclusively in English since 2012. The journal’s mission is to enhance knowledge and improve the quality of practice among dental clinicians and scholars.
JIDA facilitates the rapid publication of articles, ensuring timely communication of the latest research findings to the oral and dental community. The journal’s readership encompasses a wide range of professionals, including oral, dental, and craniofacial researchers and clinical scientists, dentists, policy-makers in oral and dental health, dental educators, and scientists with a focus on hard tissues.
JIDA invites submissions of original research projects, review articles, case reports, and technical reports in the field of dentistry. All submitted studies must adhere to strict ethical principles, employ rigorous methodology, and secure approval from the relevant ethics committee when involving human or animal models.
Each manuscript undergoes a thorough blinded peer review process, and acceptance is based on the importance of the topic and the quality of the work. JIDA proudly welcomes high-quality research contributions from both academic scholars and private dental professionals worldwide.

eISSN: 2383-3041
Publisher: Iranian Dental Association
Chairperson: Abbas Delvarani, DDS: Lecturer and Instructor Emeritus, Department of Endodontics, Dental Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Editor-in-Chief: Hadi Assadian, Assistant Professor, Department of Endodontics, School of Dentistry, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

Editorial Policies:

- Peer review process
All manuscripts are treated with strict confidentiality. They undergo peer review by a minimum of two anonymous reviewers chosen by the Editorial Board. The corresponding author will be informed of the editor’s decision regarding acceptance, rejection, or amendments required for the submitted manuscript. Upon acceptance, the manuscript will be scheduled for publication in the next available issue.
--Peer review policy
The Journal of Iranian Dental Association (JIDA) adheres to a rigorous and exacting manuscript submission and review process, ensuring the utmost academic integrity. Upon submission via the journal’s online platform, manuscripts undergo a preliminary evaluation by editorial assistants who meticulously verify adherence to submission guidelines and screen for duplicate submissions and instances of plagiarism. Manuscripts failing to meet these criteria are promptly returned to authors for necessary revisions and resubmission.
Upon passing this initial scrutiny, the Editor-in-Chief assigns the manuscript to editors whose expertise aligns with the subject matter. Manuscripts that lack sufficient quality or fall outside the journal’s scope are expeditiously rejected. Those deemed suitable are subjected to a stringent peer review process involving 2-3 independent experts in the relevant field. These reviewers provide detailed feedback and categorically recommend acceptance without changes, minor revisions, major revisions, or rejection.
The Editor-in-Chief then deliberates on these evaluations to make the final editorial decision, which, along with the reviewers’ comprehensive feedback, is communicated to the corresponding author via email. Throughout this process, a double-blind review protocol is maintained, ensuring that both reviewers and authors remain anonymous to each other. Authors are obliged to address all concerns raised by reviewers comprehensively. Failure to resolve these issues may result in the manuscript's rejection, irrespective of positive feedback from individual reviewers.
This formal and meticulously crafted process exemplifies JIDA’s commitment to upholding the highest standards of academic excellence and integrity in the field of dental research.


- Section Pplicies
Article Categories Published by JIDA

  1. Original Research Articles

    • Detailed reports of original research findings in the field of dentistry.

  2. Review Articles

    • Comprehensive overviews of specific topics, summarizing existing research and advancements including narrative reviews, scoping reviews, systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and umbrella reviews.

  3. Case Report/Technical Reports

    • In-depth descriptions of unique cases or technical advancements relevant to dental practice.

  4. Commentaries

    • State-of-the-art expert opinions and perspectives on edge-of-knowledge issues and developments in dentistry.

  5. Letters to the Editor

    • Brief communications intended to discuss previously published articles, provide updates on ongoing research, or present personal viewpoints on topics of interest within the field.

- Open Access Policy
All articles published in the Journal of Iranian Dental Association (JIDA) are published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License. This license allows users to read, copy, distribute, and create derivative works from the material for non-commercial purposes, provided that the original author is properly cited.

- Ethical requirements and responsibilities​
-- For editor:
The editor makes the final decision regarding all the content. Decisions may be made by issues unrelated to the quality of a manuscript, such as suitability for the journal. The editor can reject any article at any time before publication, including after acceptance if concerns arise about the integrity of the work.
- Reviewers' and authors' identities are kept confidential.
- The existence of a submitted manuscript is not revealed to anyone other than the reviewers and editorial staff.
--For authors:
- Upon submission, by checking off predesigned statements, author(s) should certify that neither the submitted manuscript nor another one with substantially similar content under their authorship has been published in any language or being considered for publication elsewhere.
- Author(s) should take responsibility for the integrity of the work as a whole, from inception to published article
- Author(s) should guarantee that data are available and will be provided if anyone needs them.
- In the event that an author is added or removed from the list of authors, written acceptance, signed by author(s), must be submitted to the editorial office.
- Sources of financial support for the project should be acknowledged.
- If the study involves human beings, the author(s) must include a statement that the study was approved by the local ethical committee and that written informed consent was obtained from the study participants. For those who do not have formal ethics review committees, the principles outlined in the Declaration of Helsinki should be followed. Also, the compliance of maintenance and care of experimental animals with National Institutes of Health guidelines for the human use of laboratory animals, should be declared in text.
- All relevant permissions to use unpublished observations of others must be obtained by the manuscript author(s) and stated in the text. The names of the original author(s) should be declared. Also, permission must be obtained to reproduce or adapt any figures or tables that have been published previously and declared in the legend/footnote.
- Author(s) should certify that their research study is in agreement with the regulations of their institution(s) and generally accepted guidelines governing such work; contains no violation of any existing copyright or other third party right; and is free of any obscene, indecent, libelous, or otherwise unlawful material.
--For reviewers:
- Reviewers are required to keep manuscripts and their information confidential.
- They must not use knowledge of the manuscript before its publication for their personal interests.
- The reviewers' comments should be constructive, honest, and polite.
- Reviewers should declare their conflicts of interest and decline review if a conflict exists. Knowing the author(s) must not affect their comments and decision.

- Publication ethics and malpractice statements
Journal of Iranian Dental Association (JIDA) conforms to the international regulations against scientific misconduct including fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, and etc. Also, JIDA follow all instructions of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) , and any cases of suspected misconduct (such as redundant publication) will be assessed during the peer-review and publication process based on COPE guidelines. In addition, all pre or post-publication issues will be managed based on COPE’s code of conduct and flowcharts .
Ethical considerations must be addressed in the Materials and Methods section.
1) Please state that informed consent was obtained from all human adult participants and from the parents or legal guardians of minors. Include the name of the appropriate institutional review board that approved the project.
2) Indicate in the text that the maintenance and care of experimental animals complied with National Institutes of Health guidelines for the humane use of laboratory animals, or those of your Institute or agency.
The Journal of Iranian Dental Association (JIDA) is committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity and transparency in scholarly publishing. In alignment with the guidelines set forth by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), JIDA rigorously adheres to the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing. These principles encompass various aspects of the publication process, including but not limited to, the transparency of the editorial process, the establishment of robust and ethical review systems, and the commitment to clear and honest communication with authors, reviewers, and readers. By following COPE's instructions, JIDA ensures that all published content meets the highest ethical standards, thereby fostering trust and credibility within the scientific community.

- Plagiarism policy
The editorial team and reviewers of the Journal of Iranian Dental Association (JIDA) are committed to maintaining the highest standards of academic integrity. To ensure the originality of all submissions, each manuscript undergoes a rigorous plagiarism screening process. This process includes two separate checks using various available plagiarism detection tools: the first screening occurs immediately after submission, and the second takes place just before publication.
Should any instances of suspected plagiarism be identified at any stage—whether during the initial or final review by the editorial team and reviewers, or subsequently flagged by readers after publication—JIDA will respond in strict accordance with the guidelines established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). These guidelines are detailed in COPE’s code of conduct and flowcharts, which provide a comprehensive framework for addressing and resolving allegations of plagiarism. Such measures are critical to preserving the credibility and trustworthiness of the research published in JIDA.
The editorial team/reviewers of “JIDA” will check the submitted manuscripts for plagiarism twice (once after submission and once before publication) using available plagiarism detection software such as iThenticate. If suspected plagiarism is found in an article either before (by reviewers or editorial team) or after (by readers) publication, Archives of Academic Emergency Medicine will act according to COPE’s code of conduct and flowcharts.

- Retraction Policy
The Journal of Iranian Dental Association (JIDA) upholds rigorous standards of academic integrity and ethical publishing practices. Consequently, the editorial team will retract articles under several circumstances, in accordance with the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Retraction Guidelines. Retraction will occur if there is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable due to significant errors, such as miscalculations or experimental errors, or as a result of fabrication of data or falsification through image manipulation. Additionally, any instance of plagiarism will lead to retraction. Articles will also be retracted if it is found that the findings have been previously published elsewhere without appropriate attribution, disclosure to the editor, permission to republish, or a valid justification, which constitutes redundant publication. If an article contains material or data used without proper authorization, infringes copyright, or presents any other serious legal issues such as libel or privacy violations, it will be retracted. Articles reporting unethical research, published based solely on a compromised or manipulated peer review process, will likewise face retraction. Moreover, if the author(s) failed to disclose a significant competing interest—commonly known as a conflict of interest—that, in the editor's view, would have unduly influenced the interpretation of the work or the recommendations of editors and peer reviewers, the article will be retracted.

- Article Processing Charges (APC)
The Journal of Iranian Dental Association (JIDA) temporarily operates under a policy of no Article Processing Charges (APCs) for all submissions. This means that authors are not required to pay any fees for the submission, review, or publication of their manuscripts. The decision to publish articles without APCs underscores JIDA's commitment to fostering accessibility and encouraging the dissemination of high-quality research without financial barriers. By eliminating APCs, JIDA aims to support researchers, academics, and dental professionals globally, ensuring that valuable scientific contributions can be shared widely without the hindrance of publication costs.

- Authorship Issues
According to the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), all individuals designated as authors should meet all four established criteria for authorship. Furthermore, anyone who meets these four criteria must be identified as an author, while those who do not meet all four criteria should be appropriately acknowledged for their contributions.
Any changes to authorship, such as the order of authors, addition, or removal of authors, after the initial submission of a manuscript, must receive written approval from all listed authors, adhering to the guidelines provided by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to ensure that all co-authors are informed and agree with the proposed changes. In cases where there is a disagreement among authors regarding authorship and a resolution cannot be reached internally, the authors are required to seek mediation and resolution from their respective institution(s). It is not the responsibility of the journal editors to resolve disputes concerning authorship.
If a change in authorship is necessary after the article has been published, such modifications can only be made through the publication of an Erratum, ensuring that the correction is formally and transparently documented.

- Intellectual Properties
Based on the obtained author agreement upon submission, "JIDA" is the copyright owner of the published mansucript. However, according to Bethesda Statement, all works published in this journal are open access and freely available to anyone without cost, under Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0.

- Advertising policy
The Journal of Iranian Dental Association (JIDA) maintains a strict policy regarding advertisements. To uphold the integrity and academic focus of the publication, JIDA has not accepted any advertisements on its journal website or within its articles. This policy ensures that the content remains purely scientific and educational, free from commercial influences or conflicts of interest.

- Use of Artificial Intelligence in Manuscript Preparation
The Journal of Iranian Dental Association (JIDA) recognizes the increasingly significant role of generative AI and AI-assisted technologies in the realm of scholarly writing and research. In an effort to uphold the highest standards of integrity, accuracy, and ethical practices in published works, JIDA has established a comprehensive policy for the use of AI in manuscript preparation. These technologies are permitted solely to enhance the readability and linguistic quality of manuscripts and must not replace the authors' original research and intellectual contributions.
Strict human oversight is mandated when using AI tools. Authors are responsible for meticulously reviewing and editing AI-generated content to ensure its correctness and completeness, recognizing that AI can produce authoritative-sounding yet potentially inaccurate, incomplete, or biased outputs. Ultimately, authors bear full responsibility and accountability for the content of their work.
Moreover, authors are required to disclose the use of AI and AI-assisted technologies within their manuscripts. This transparency must be maintained in the published work to foster trust among authors, readers, reviewers, editors, and contributors, and to comply with the terms of use of the relevant AI tools.
AI and AI-assisted technologies must not be credited as authors or co-authors. Authorship entails responsibilities and duties that can only be fulfilled by human beings. Each author or co-author is accountable for the accuracy and integrity of the work, must approve the final version, and must agree to the manuscript's submission. Authors are also responsible for ensuring the work's originality, confirming that all listed authors meet the authorship criteria, and verifying that the work does not infringe upon third-party rights. Authors should familiarize themselves with JIDA's Ethics in Publishing policy before submission to ensure adherence to these ethical standards.
By following these guidelines, JIDA ensures the publication of high-quality, ethically sound research, maintaining the trust and credibility essential to the academic community.
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Journal of Iranian Dental Association


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License which allows users to read, copy, distribute and make derivative works for non-commercial purposes from the material, as long as the author of the original work is cited properly

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