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 | Post date: 2021/11/11 | 
Journal of Iranian Dental Association (JIDA), an open access, peer-reviewed, quarterly published journal, is the official scientific publication of Iranian Dental Association.
JIDA was published in persian fulltext with english abstract before 2012. afte that, JIDA is published in english language only. Our aim is to enhance the knowledge and promote the quality of practice of dental clinicians and scholars. JIDA accepts papers reporting the results of original research projects, review articles, case reports and technical reports in the field of dentistry. Only descriptive and analytical studies conducted at the international level will be considered for initial evaluation and potential publication. All studies should employ appropriate methodology and strictly follow the research ethical principles and must have secured approval from the related ethics committee if using human or animal models. The review articles are subjected to peer reviewing and accepted only if the importance of the topics and quality of the works are established at any given time. JIDA gladly accepts quality research works conducted by the members of academia or private dental professionals from all over the world.

eISSN: 2383-3041
Frequency: Quarterly
Publisher: Iranian Dental Association (www.ida-dent.org)
Chairman: Mohammad Sadegh Ahmad Akhoundi, DDS, MSc: Professor of Orthodontic, Dental Research Center, School of Dentistry, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Editor-in-Chief: Masoud Fallahinejad Ghajari, DDS, MSc: Professor, Department of Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

Editorial Board

Editorial Policies:
Peer Review Process
Section Policies

Open Access Policy
Ethical requirements and responsibilities
Publication ethics and malpractice statements

Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing
Plagiarism policy
Archiving Policy
Retraction and Correction Policy
Article Processing Charges (APC)
Authorship conflicts
Intellectual Properties
Advertising polic

- Peer review process
All manuscripts are considered confidential. They are peer-reviewed by at least 2 anonymous reviewers selected by the Editorial Board. The corresponding author will be notified of the editor’s decision regarding acceptance or rejection of the manuscript or requiring modifications. An accepted manuscript is scheduled for publication in the next upcoming issue.
--Peer review policy
All submissions to JIDA are evaluated by an editor, who will decide whether they qualify to go through the peer review process. Submissions felt to be suitable for consideration will go through the peer review process done by appropriate independent experts. Editors will make a decision based on the reviewers’ opinions and the result along with the reviewers’ opinions will be emailed to the authors. Authors should be well aware that even in case of one positive report by one reviewer, concerns raised by other reviewers might undermine the study and result in the manuscript being rejected if not corrected accordingly.
--Peer reviewers
Authors are encouraged to suggest potential reviewers; however, the final decision is made by the Editor(s) whether to invite the suggested reviewers. Authors should not suggest colleagues working in the same department as themselves and should not knowingly provide false information in this regard. Authors have the right to exclude individuals as peer reviewers, but the reason should be clearly explained in their cover letter. Authors should not exclude too many individuals as this may hinder the peer review process. In brief, a manuscript goes through the following steps in JIDA:
1. Manuscript is submitted via the journal’s online submission system.
2. The manuscript is primarily checked by editorial assistants against the Check list, to make sure the manuscript conforms to the submission requirements. Cross-checking is also performed to see if there is duplicate submission or plagiarism. Manuscripts that do not meet the submission requirements will be returned to the authors for corrections and resubmission.
3. After ensuring that the manuscript meets the submission requirements, the editor in chief assigns editors for the manuscript after matching the subject of the article and the reviewer’s expertise.
4. Manuscripts lacking sufficient quality or those with a topic that is not well within the journal scope will be fast rejected without further consideration.
5. If the manuscript is worth further consideration based on the editor’s opinion, the editor will assign 2-3 external reviewers for peer-reviewing.
6. The peer-reviewers will send back their comments and recommendations as: accepted unchanged; minor revision; major revision; or rejected.
7. Based on the reviewers’ comments and recommendations, the editor in chief will make the final editorial decision.
8. The peer-review process is double blinded. which means that the reviewers don't know the identity of authors, and vice versa.

- Section Policies
Articles published by The Journal of Iranian Dental Association (JIDA) fall into the following categories:
Original/ Research Article:
  • Open submissions
  • Indexed
  • Peer reviewed
Review Article:
  • Open submissions
  • Indexed
  • Peer reviewed
  • Case/ Technical Report:
  • Open submissions
  • Indexed
  • Peer reviewed
  • Open submissions
  • Indexed
  • Peer reviewed
  • Open submissions
  • Indexed
  • Indexed
- Open Access Policy
All articles published in Journal of Iranian Dental Association (JIDA) are fully open access:
immediately freely available to read, download and share.
JAll articles published in Journal of Iranian Dental Association (JIDA) are fully open access: immediately freely available to read, download and share. 
JIDA Articles are published under the terms of a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 , Unported License which allows users to read, copy, distribute and make derivative works for non-commercial purposes from the material, as long as the author of the original work is cited properly

- Ethical requirements and responsibilities​
-- For editor:
The editor makes the final decision regarding all the content. Decisions may be made by issues unrelated to the quality of a manuscript, such as suitability for the journal. The editor can reject any article at any time before publication, including after acceptance if concerns arise about the integrity of the work.
- Reviewers' and authors' identities are kept confidential.
- The existence of a submitted manuscript is not revealed to anyone other than the reviewers and editorial staff.
--For authors:
- Upon submission, by checking off predesigned statements, author(s) should certify that neither the submitted manuscript nor another one with substantially similar content under their authorship has been published in any language or being considered for publication elsewhere.
- Author(s) should take responsibility for the integrity of the work as a whole, from inception to published article
- Author(s) should guarantee that data are available and will be provided if anyone needs them.
- In the event that an author is added or removed from the list of authors, written acceptance, signed by author(s), must be submitted to the editorial office.
- Sources of financial support for the project should be acknowledged.
- If the study involves human beings, the author(s) must include a statement that the study was approved by the local ethical committee and that written informed consent was obtained from the study participants. For those who do not have formal ethics review committees, the principles outlined in the Declaration of Helsinki should be followed. Also, the compliance of maintenance and care of experimental animals with National Institutes of Health guidelines for the human use of laboratory animals, should be declared in text.
- All relevant permissions to use unpublished observations of others must be obtained by the manuscript author(s) and stated in the text. The names of the original author(s) should be declared. Also, permission must be obtained to reproduce or adapt any figures or tables that have been published previously and declared in the legend/footnote.
- Author(s) should certify that their research study is in agreement with the regulations of their institution(s) and generally accepted guidelines governing such work; contains no violation of any existing copyright or other third party right; and is free of any obscene, indecent, libelous, or otherwise unlawful material.
--For reviewers:
- Reviewers are required to keep manuscripts and their information confidential.
- They must not use knowledge of the manuscript before its publication for their personal interests.
- The reviewers' comments should be constructive, honest, and polite.
- Reviewers should declare their conflicts of interest and decline review if a conflict exists. Knowing the author(s) must not affect their comments and decision.

- Publication ethics and malpractice statements
Journal of Iranian Dental Association (JIDA) conforms to the international regulations against scientific misconduct including fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, and etc. Also, JIDA follow all instructions of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) , and any cases of suspected misconduct (such as redundant publication) will be assessed during the peer-review and publication process based on COPE guidelines. In addition, all pre or post-publication issues will be managed based on COPE’s code of conduct and flowcharts .
Ethical considerations must be addressed in the Materials and Methods section.
1) Please state that informed consent was obtained from all human adult participants and from the parents or legal guardians of minors. Include the name of the appropriate institutional review board that approved the project.
2) Indicate in the text that the maintenance and care of experimental animals complied with National Institutes of Health guidelines for the humane use of laboratory animals, or those of your Institute or agency.

For studies on human subjects the following should be included:
“All procedures followed were in accordance with the ethical guidelines of the responsible committee on human experimentation (institutional and national) and with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 2000”. Also, include that “informed consent was obtained from all patients for participation in the study”. If doubt exists whether the research was conducted in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration, the authors must explain the rationale for their approach, and demonstrate that the institutional review body explicitly approved the doubtful aspects of the study. If any identifying information about patients is included in the article, the following sentence should be added as well:
“Additional informed consent was obtained from all patients for which identifying information is included in this article”.

For studies on animals the following sentence should be included:
“All institutional and national guidelines for the care and use of laboratory animals were followed”.

For articles that do not contain studies with human or animal subjects performed by any of the authors:
While it is not absolutely necessary, we recommend including the following sentence, just to make sure that readers are aware that there are no ethical issues with human or animal subjects: “This article does not contain any studies with human or animal subjects performed by the any of the authors”.

Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing​
JIDA strives to adhere to the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing, based on COPE instructions.

- Plagiarism policy
Based on the definition of American Journal Experts ""The U.S. Office of Research Integrity defines plagiarism as “the appropriation of another person’s ideas, processes, results, or words without giving appropriate credit.” Said differently, plagiarism is the misrepresentation of someone else’s original thought as your own. In fact, the Latin root of plagiarism means kidnapper or thief. Such theft is a form of academic misconduct and can thus lead to dismissal from universities and other research institutions, article rejections or retractions from journals, and decreased credibility as a researcher. ""
The editorial team/reviewers of “JIDA” will check the submitted manuscripts for plagiarism twice (once after submission and once before publication) using available plagiarism detection software such as iThenticate. If suspected plagiarism is found in an article either before (by reviewers or editorial team) or after (by readers) publication, Archives of Academic Emergency Medicine will act according to COPE’s code of conduct and flowcharts.

Archiving Policy​
JIDA is a green journal, as we allow self-archiving of accepted and published papers through open access policy. Authors retain the copyright of their work and can archive pre-print and post-print or publisher’s version/PDF to personal or institutional repositories or libraries without requiring permission from the journal or publisher. In order to digitally preserve all published scholarly content, JIDA commits to submit all articles metadata and pdf version to international and national repositories such as ISC and SID.

- Retraction and Correction Policy
JIDA follow COPE Guidelines for Retracting Articles and Corrections.

- Article Processing Charges (APC)
The APC for all paper is FREE to publish (no APC is payable).

- Authorship conflicts
Based on the ICJME recommendations "all those designated as authors should meet all four criteria for authorship, and all who meet the four criteria should be identified as authors. Those who do not meet all four criteria should be acknowledged".
Any change in authorship (i.e. order, addition, and deletion of authors) after initial submission must be approved by all authors via written confirmation, in line with COPE guidelines. It is the corresponding author’s responsibility to ensure that all authors confirm they agree with the proposed changes. If there is disagreement amongst the authors concerning authorship and a satisfactory agreement cannot be reached, the authors must contact their institution(s) for a resolution. It is not the journal editor’s responsibility to resolve authorship disputes. A change in authorship after publication of an article can only be amended via publication of an Erratum.

- Intellectual Properties
Based on the obtained author agreement upon submission, "JIDA" is the copyright owner of the published mansucript. However, according to Bethesda Statement, all works published in this journal are open access and freely available to anyone without cost, under Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0.

- Advertising policy
JIDA hasn’t accepted any advertisement in the journal website and articles.
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Journal of Iranian Dental Association


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License which allows users to read, copy, distribute and make derivative works for non-commercial purposes from the material, as long as the author of the original work is cited properly

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