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:: Volume 18, Issue 1 (Foll Text in Persian 2006) ::
J Iran Dent Assoc 2006, 18(1): 78-84 Back to browse issues page
A comparison on the analgesic efficacy of Ibuprofen 400 mg with Tramadol 50 mg in the reduction of pain caused by orthodontic treatment
S. Mostafa Abtahi * 1, Fatemeh Zeraati , Mehdi Shirinzad , Feloor Adabi
1- , dr_m_abtahi@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (15729 Views)

A comparison on the analgesic efficacy of Ibuprofen 400 mg with Tramadol 50 mg in the reduction of pain caused by orthodontic treatment

Dr. S.M. Abtahi* - Dr. F. Zeraati** - Dr. M. Shirinzad*** - Dr. F. Adabi****

 *- Assistant Professor of Orthodontics Dept. - Faculty of Dentistry – Hamedan University of Medical Sciences.

**- Assistan Professor of Pharmacologic Dept. – Faculty of Medicine, Hamedan University of Medical Sciences.

 ***- Assistant Professor of Operative Dentistry Dept. Faculty of Dentistry – Hamedan University of Medical Sciences.


Background and Aim: Pain control during orthodontic treatment is very important to both clinicians and patients, The aim of this study was to compare the analgesic efficacy of Ibuprofen 400 mg with Tramadol 50 mg in reducing the pain caused by orthodontic treatment.

Materials and Methods: In this randomized controlled clinical trial and single blind study 60 orthodontic patients with age ranging from 11.7 to 19.1 years old were participated. Patients were randomly divided into three groups: (1) 400 mg Ibuprofen taken orally one hour before separator placement and the same dose six hours after the initial dose, (2) one dose placebo taken orally one hour before separator placement and the same does six hours after the initial dose and (3) 50 mg tramadol taken orally one hour before separator placement and the same dose six hours after the initial dose. The patients level of pain was assessed through Visual Analoge Scale at 2, 6 and 24 hours as well as at 2, 3 and 7 days after separator placement in chewing and biting conditions. Data were subjected to Paired t. test, ANOVA, Tukey and Chi – Square tests.

Results: The highest peak pain levels were reported at 24 hours after separator placement (7.86±2.73) that decreased gradually until the 7th day. The patients who had taken Ibuprofen 400 mg and Tramadol 50 mg had significantly less pain with chewing at 2 (P=0.000), 6 (P=0.000) and 24 (P=0.002) hours and with biting at 6 (P=0.004) and 24 (P=0.000) hours after separator placement than those who received placebo. The patients who had Tramadol had significantly less pain with chewing and biting at 2 days after separator placement (P=0.001), (P=0.002) than patients who received placebo. There was no significant difference in pain level between Ibuprofen and Tramadol groups.

Conclusion: Administration of Ibuprofen 400 mg or Tramadol 50 mg, one hour before and five hours after separator placement reduces the level of pain that is experienced at 2, 6 and 24 hours and 2 days after separator placement but there was no significant difference between Ibuprofen and Tramadol groups.

Key words: Pain – Orthodontics – Ibuprofen – Tramadol

Keywords: Pain, Orthodontics, Ibuprofen, Tramadol
Full-Text [PDF 186 kb]   (11646 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
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Abtahi S M, Zeraati F, Shirinzad M, Adabi F. A comparison on the analgesic efficacy of Ibuprofen 400 mg with Tramadol 50 mg in the reduction of pain caused by orthodontic treatment. J Iran Dent Assoc 2006; 18 (1) :78-84
URL: http://jida.ir/article-1-110-en.html

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Volume 18, Issue 1 (Foll Text in Persian 2006) Back to browse issues page
Journal of Iranian Dental Association


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