Traditional treatments of periodontal disease in Iran Dr. H. Semyari* - Dr. M. Naseri** - Dr. S. SH. Shayegh*** - Dr. R. Aliasgari**** * - Assistant Professor of Periodontics Dept. - Faculty of Dentistry - Shahed University. **- Assistant Professor of Pharmacology Dept. – Faculty of Medicine - Shahed University. ***- Assistant Professor of Prosthodontics Dept. – Faculty of Dentistry – Shahed Univerisity. ****- Dentist. Background and Aim: Periodontal diseases are highly prevalent among people. Considering the special attention paid by world organization for the development and application of tradi-tional medicine in the system of health – treatment services, the goal of this study was to iden-tify the valuable heritage of Iran traditional medicine on periodontal diseases and drugs. Materials and Methods: Based on the bibliography approcal taken in the present study, the re-lated information was collected through the revision of valuable books compiled by conspicu-ouse Iranian authors which were kept in reliable centres such as libraries and research organi-zations. On the other hand, pharmaceutical – herbal companies were also investigated and the most recent information on the relationship between herbal medicine and periodontal diseases were obtained and analyzed. Results: Traditional medicine of Iran is based on exact observations and experiences in the de-scription and treatment of periodontal diseases which, due to its natural origin, easy accessibil-ity and relative safety, can be considered as an important sources for modern pharmaceutical research. Conclusion: It was concluded that periodontal diseases, along with their symptoms and signs and treatment modalities such as herbal medication, diets and simple surgeries were fully dis-cussed in Iran traditional medicine. Key words: Iran traditional medicine – Periodontal diseases – Herbal medicine – Traditional treatment of periodontal diseases. |