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:: Volume 16, Issue 3 (Foll Text in Persian 2004) ::
J Iran Dent Assoc 2004, 16(3): 69-76 Back to browse issues page
‌A comparison on the effects of blood contamination‌ ‌on microleakage of composite and compomer ClV restorations‌ ‌using an All-in-one adhesive
Vajihe sadat Mortazavi * , Mohammad hossein Fathi , Parisa Taghavi , Leila Ghorbanian
Abstract:   (23066 Views)

‌A comparison on the effects of blood contamination‌ ‌on microleakage of composite and compomer ClV restorations‌ ‌using an All-in-one adhesive

Dr. V.Mortazavi* - Dr. MH.Fathi**- Dr. P.Taghavi***- Dr. L.Ghorbanian***

*- Associate professor of Operative Dentistry Dept.- Faculty of Dentistry- Isfahan University of Medical Sciences.

** - Assistant professor of Metalogy engineering Dept.- Isfahan Industrial University.

*** - Dentist.

 Background and aim: Introduction of a material, that in blood contamination, can maintain marginal seal plays an important role in clinical success of a restoration. The aim of this study was to determine and compare microleakage rates of composite and compomer restorative materials, in blood contamination, with the application of Prompt L-Pop as an adhesive system.

Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, One hundred and twenty ClV cavities, in dentino - enamal junction of buccal and lingual surfaces of extracted human sound molars, were prepared. After Prompt L-Pop application, the samples were divided in to 10 groups of 12 cavities Group Z1 was control Group Z2 was contaminated. Group Z3 was rinsed with water after contamination. Group Z4 was rinsed with water after contamination and Pronpt L-Pop was reused. GroupZ5. was similar to Z4 but it was rinsed with Naocl after contamination. The cavities were filled with composite (Z 520). The remaining five groups (F1 to F5), were just the same but filled with compomer (F 2000). After polishing and thremocycling (X 500) the microleakage rates of specimens were evaluated with dye penetration method. The data were statistically analyzed using Kruskal - Wallis and Mann - Whitney tests.

Results: Kruskal - Wallis test revealed significant differences among composite groups in gingival margins (p= 0.017). Mann - Whitney test showed more microleakage in group Z2 as compared with groups , Z1 Z4 and Z5 (P=0.005, P=0.015 and P=0.015, respectively) which was statistically significant. No significant differences were found, in microleakage rate, between composite andcompomer groups in occlusal and gingival margins (P= 0.348 and P=0.213,respectively).

Conclusion: According to the results of this study, blood contamination could increase the microleakage of composite and Prompt L-Pop in gingival margins. In this condition rinsing with water and Naocl and Prompt L-Pop reapplication can decrease microleakage effectively.

Key Words: All-in-one adhesives - Blood contamination - Microleakage - Composite resin - Compomer ClV restoration.

Keywords: All-in-one adhesives, Blood contamination, Microleakage, Composite resin, Compomer ClV restoration
Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
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Mortazavi V S, Fathi M H, Taghavi P, Ghorbanian L. ‌A comparison on the effects of blood contamination‌ ‌on microleakage of composite and compomer ClV restorations‌ ‌using an All-in-one adhesive. J Iran Dent Assoc 2004; 16 (3) :69-76
URL: http://jida.ir/article-1-210-en.html

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Volume 16, Issue 3 (Foll Text in Persian 2004) Back to browse issues page
Journal of Iranian Dental Association


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