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مراتب و درجات توحید (30833 Downloads)
Homeopathy treatment and pemphigus vulgaris: case series (19487 Downloads)
Post insertion problems of removable prosthesis: Causes, diagnosis and treatment (16576 Downloads)
Evaluation of HBSAb titer among members of board, residents and students of Faculty of Dentistry, Tehran University of Medical Sciences after 3 vaccination doses in (2002-2004) (12447 Downloads)
Postoperative thermal sensitivity reduction after amalgam fillings A Clinical evaluation and presentation of a new method (12403 Downloads)
A comparison on the analgesic efficacy of Ibuprofen 400 mg with Tramadol 50 mg in the reduction of pain caused by orthodontic treatment (11645 Downloads)
پیش بینی، پیشگیری و درمان آسیب عصب آلوئلار تحتانی در هنگام کشیدن دندان عقل نهفته (10777 Downloads)
Treatment of early childhood caries: A literature review (9784 Downloads)
Immunohistochemical evaluation of Ki-67 antigen, p27 kip1 and MCM3 proteins in odontogenic keratocysts (8180 Downloads)
Clinical Application of Hyaluronic Acid Gel for Reconstruction of Interdental Papilla at the Esthetic zone (7841 Downloads)
A comparison on two disinfectants: Micro10+ and Deconex 53 plus on dental instruments (7663 Downloads)
Clinical Comparison of Dental Caries by DMFT and ICDAS Systems (7650 Downloads)
In-vitro study of antifungal effects of selected herbal extracts on standard and wild strains of Candida albicans (7448 Downloads)
Evaluation of various characteristics of Plastalgin alginate according to International ISO Standards and ADA specifications (6929 Downloads)
Comparison of the Effectiveness of three Mouthwashes on Oral microflora: an in vitro study (6911 Downloads)
An investigation on the distribution pattern of referred odontogenic pain from posterior teeth in the different head and neck areas (6659 Downloads)
Traditional treatments of periodontal disease in Iran (6504 Downloads)
Wear comparison between three types of Brelian, Super brelian and Ivocolar artificial teeth ( In - vitro) (6399 Downloads)
A clinical comparison of Azithromycin versus Doxycycline in non-surgical periodontal treatment of smokers (6371 Downloads)
Silane and bonding of Resins to Ceramic (6260 Downloads)
The Release of Residual Monomeric Methyl Methacrylate in Human Saliva after Using Acrylic Dentures (6236 Downloads)
Effects of cryotherapy on erosive oral Lichen Planus in patients referred to dental faculty of Shahed University and Razi Hospital (2003-2004) (6091 Downloads)
A Review of Endodontic Bioceramics (5913 Downloads)
A comparative study between antimicrobial toothpastes of Pooneh, Nasim and Crest Complete on microbial plaque con-trol (5838 Downloads)
اتوکلاو در دندانپزشکی (5656 Downloads)
Effect of curing time and application of one bottle bonding on shear bond strength of composite to dentin (5537 Downloads)
Immediate loading in dental implants ( A literature review ) (5521 Downloads)
Modified Distal Shoe Appliance for Bilateral Early Loss of Primary Molars: Report of Four Cases (5363 Downloads)
Longitudinal study of time and sequence of primary teeth eruption in children, residents in Tehran, from birth (2000-2002) (5345 Downloads)
Evaluation of the effect of four current Iranian processing solutions on the image quality of two dental X-ray films (5333 Downloads)
General dental practitioners and management of traumatic dental injuries in children (5073 Downloads)
Evaluation of The Effect of Fluoride Gel and Varnish on The Demineralization Resistance of Enamel: An in Vitro (5009 Downloads)
Antibacterial and substantivity evaluation of 2.5% sodium hypochlorite, 0.2% cholorhexidine and distilled water as root canal irrigants (In - vitro) (5005 Downloads)
An evaluation on the effects of 37% phosphoric acid and self – etching primer on shear bond strength of enamel (4956 Downloads)
Effect of Elaeagnus Angustifolia Lozenge on Gag Reflex in Dental Patients (4927 Downloads)
عوارض جراحی دندانهای نهفته (ضمن و پس از عمل) (4912 Downloads)
Comparison of the Effect of Feldspathic Porcelain and Zirconia on Natural Tooth Wear (4906 Downloads)
Stimulated and unstimulated whole saliva compositions of dental female students, Tehran University of Medical Sciences in 2005 (4781 Downloads)
Comparative effects of selected mouthwashes on halitosis using sulphide monitoring devise (4694 Downloads)
Evaluation of the effect of pre- and post-topical fluoride treatment on marginal microleakage of resin composite and glass ionomer restorations (4618 Downloads)
Effect of salivary contamination on shear bond strength of three different dentin adhesive systems (4504 Downloads)
Shear bond strength of Composite / Amalgam restorations: Effect of using adhesive cement (4478 Downloads)
Success rate of immediate loading of single OPILS implants of Neo-Dent system (4469 Downloads)
A clinical outcome comparison of the conventional altered cast impression with a modification altered cast impression technique (4459 Downloads)
Relationship between sweetness preference and dental caries in mother child pairs (4440 Downloads)
An in vitro study of the effects of Yarrow, Chamomile and Rhubarb herbal extracts on candida albicans and common oral bacteria (4427 Downloads)
Ergonomic Evaluation of Work Conditions in Qazvin Dentists and its Association with Musculoskeletal Disorders Using REBA Method (4426 Downloads)
Comparison of flexural strength among six available restorative glass ionomer cements in Iran (4417 Downloads)
An In - Vitro study on the effect of Iranian soft drinks on enamel microhardness of primary teeth (4393 Downloads)
A 30-Month Follow-Up of Stepwise Excavation without Re-entry with Three Different Biomaterials: A Case Report (4388 Downloads)
Total Sum: 2292537

Journal of Iranian Dental Association


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