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:: Volume 16, Issue 4 (Foll Text in Persian 2004) ::
J Iran Dent Assoc 2004, 16(4): 79-85 Back to browse issues page
‌A comparison on dentofacial cephalometric measurements ‌‌between two mouth breathing groups with anterior and posterior ‌obstructions of nasal airway
Mohammad hossein Toodeh zaeim * , Mohammad reza Baghersad
Abstract:   (16071 Views)

‌A comparison on dentofacial cephalometric measurements ‌‌between two mouth breathing groups with anterior and posterior ‌obstructions of nasal airway

zaeim* - Dr. M.R. Baghersad** Dr. M.H. Toodeh

* - Assistant Professor of Oral Orthodontics Dept. - Faculty of Dentistry - Yazd University of Medical Sciences.

** - Dentist.

Background and aim: The goal of this study was to compare dentofacial cephalometric measurements in two mouth breathing groups, age ranging from 7 to 5 years, with anterior (nasal cavity) and posterior (nasoplaryngeal) obstructions.

Materials and Methods: In this study, a sample of 79 subjects, having no orthodontic treatment, including 39 patients with posterior obstruction and mean age of 10.87 years and 40 patients with anterior obstruction with the mean age of 10.97 years, were selected. Type of obstruction was diagnosed by an ENT specialist. For each patient a standard lateral cephalogram was taken. After tracing,15 cephalometric variables were measured and data were subjected to statistical t-test.

Results: Among 15 dentofacial variables, 6 of them including 1 to FH(Ideal), 1 to NA, 1 to SN, Y-Axis, Go. Me-SN, and inclination angles revealed significant differences between two groups. In anterior obstruction group 1 to FH(Ideal), 1 to NA and 1 to SN angles were significantly higher than the other1 group showing more protrusion tendency of its upper centrals. In nasopharyngeal obstruction group, significant increase of Y-Axis and Go.Me-SN angles showed more mandible backward rotation where as significant increase of Inclination angle showed maxilla forward rotation. The average of other dentofacial variables: Ar-Go-S-IMPA. 1 to FH-ANB-SNB-SNA and LH did not show any significant difference.

Conclusion: Dentofacial morphology is affected by the type of nasal obstruction (anterior or posterior) in mouth breathing patients.

Key Words: Airway - Adenoid - Nasopharynx - Motu breathing.

Keywords: Airway, Adenoid, Nasopharynx, Motu breathing
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
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Toodeh zaeim M H, Baghersad M R. ‌A comparison on dentofacial cephalometric measurements ‌‌between two mouth breathing groups with anterior and posterior ‌obstructions of nasal airway. J Iran Dent Assoc 2004; 16 (4) :79-85
URL: http://jida.ir/article-1-195-en.html

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Volume 16, Issue 4 (Foll Text in Persian 2004) Back to browse issues page
Journal of Iranian Dental Association


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