Aim: The aim of this study was to gather available scientific data on appropriate occlusal scheme in each type of fixed implant restoration with the least adverse effect on implant and peri-implant tissues. Study Selection: An extensive search was performed in PubMed, Scopus, Embase, and Google Scholar using related keywords. Studies related to evaluation of different occlusal schemes, and occlusion in implant dentistry were selected, reviewed, and discussed. Results: The selected keywords yielded 995 search results in PubMed, 417 in Embase, and 500 in Scopus. After duplicate removal and title/abstract analysis, 83 studies were selected for full-text review. Finally, 43 studies met the requirement of inclusion/exclusion criteria and were included. Conclusion: Selecting the right occlusal scheme for implant restorations is complex. Clinicians must consider multiple factors to prevent occlusal overloading. Following scientific guidelines ensures long-term success and predictability in implant-supported prostheses.
Ghodsi S, Mazaheri Nazarifar A, Rasaeipour S, Sadeghi A. Biomechanical Considerations and Occlusal Schemes in Implant Restorations; A Review, Part I: Fixed Prostheses. J Iran Dent Assoc 2023; 35 (1 and 2) :21-31 URL:
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