Introduction: Sinus tracts are routes of purulent drainage, which are supposed to be related to a specific source of infection. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, there have been no documented cases of multiple intra-oral sinus tracts arising from a non-vital maxillary molar. This observation highlights a unique clinical scenario that has not been previously reported in the literature. Case Presentation: A rare case with three intra-oral sinus tracts, all related to a non-vital, previously pulp-capped maxillary second molar is presented. After a two-visit root canal treatment, sinus tracts were closed and patient’s symptoms relieved. In such cases, a proper disinfection of the root canal system combined with an ideal obturation of the prepared canals would be required. Conclusion: Necrotic maxillary molars might be associated with multiple sinus tracts.
Aminsobhani M, Hamidzadeh F, Rezaei Avval A. Multiple Sinus Tracts Associated with a Non-vital Maxillary Second Molar: A Rare Clinical Finding. J Iran Dent Assoc 2023; 35 (3 and 4) URL:
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