Clinical evaluation of caries removal in primary molars using Carisolv and rotary instruments
Dr. Z. Bahrololoomi* - Dr. M. Dasdar** - Dr. H. Fallahzadeh ***
*- Assistant Professor of Pedodontics Dept. Faculty of Dentistry – Yazd University of Medical Sciences.
**- Dentist.
***- Assistant Professor of Statistics & Epidemiology Dept. Faculty of Health – Yazd University of Medical Sciences.
Background and Aim: Employing conservative procedures and considering patient comfort are of great importance, especially for dental treatment in paediatric patients. The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of the Carisolv system with high-speed excavation of caries using rotary instruments, in primary molars.
Materials and Methods: Twenty-five children with a mean age of 7.02±1.64 years were included in this clinical trial. Each patient had at least two contralateral primary molars with comparable caries and approximately equal-size access to lesions (N=50). Caries were removed using the Carisolv system and rotary instruments. The efficiency of caries removal was judged on the basis of clinical criteria. Length of working time, need of local anesthesia, and level of patient cooperation were recorded for both methods. Statistical analysis was performed using the MCNemar and paired t-tests.
Results: The Carisolv and rotary systems removed 88% and 100% of the caries, respectively (P=0.0001). Working time with the chemomechanical method was prolonged when compared with the mechanical method (P =0.0001), but it did not negatively affect the childrens’ cooperation. 92% of the patients found Carisolv treatment more acceptable than the highspeed excavation system. Furthermore, the chemomechanical method reduced the need for administration of local anesthesia for cavity preparations (0% versus 28%) (P=0.002). Conclusion: Carisolv is an effective clinical alternative treatment for the removal of caries in primary molars. It is also more conservative of dental tissue and appears to be more comfortable for most patients.
Bahrololoomi Z, Dasdar M, Fallahzadeh H. Clinical evaluation of caries removal in primary molars using Carisolv and rotary instruments . J Iran Dent Assoc 2006; 18 (3) URL:
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