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Journal of Iranian Dental Association (JIDA), an open access, peer-reviewed, quarterly published journal, is the official scientific publication of the Iranian Dental Association.
JIDA was published in persian fulltext with english abstract before 2012. afte that, JIDA is published in english language only. Our aim is to enhance the knowledge and promote the quality of practice of dental clinicians and scholars. JIDA accepts papers reporting the results of original research projects, review articles, case reports and technical reports in the field of dentistry. Only descriptive and analytical studies conducted at the international level will be considered for initial evaluation and potential publication. All studies should employ appropriate methodology and strictly follow the research ethical principles and must have secured approval from the related ethics committee if using human or animal models. The review articles are subjected to peer reviewing and accepted only if the importance of the topics and quality of the works are established at any given time. JIDA gladly accepts quality research works conducted by the members of academia or private dental professionals from all over the world.

eISSN: 2383-3041
Publisher: Iranian Dental Association (www.ida-dent.org)
Chairman: Abbas Delvarani, Retired Professor of Dentistry Faculty, Islamic Azad University of Tehran
Editor-in-Chief: Hadi Assadian, DDS, MSc: Assistant Professor, Department of Endodontics, School of Dentistry, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

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Journal of Iranian Dental Association


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